This past weekend, the little man had his Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby race. This is an extremely fun event that we’ve looked forward to since last year. Each year, he draws out his plans for the shape of the car, then using a saw and a Dremel (borrowed from my friend Tony) we work on cutting out his racer:

Next is a lot of sanding. He does all of this by hand. I feel it is really important for him to do a lot of the design and work, part of the experience is learning to take pride in the work you put into something. If he designs and helps build a car, then sees his own creation race down the track he can see the results of his own effort.
Next, the little man paints his car. His latest obsession love is LEGO Ninjago, so of course he designed a paint job around that theme. It turned out great too.

Last, he and I work on the wheels and axles. I’m not going to give away any trade secrets here, but let’s just say it is all about ensuring the least amount of resistance when speeding down the track.
Here is a great shot of him and Momma on our way to the races.

Weighing in, adding just the right amount of weight to ensure maximum speed

Ready to check the car in. Once it’s checked in, the pit crew can no longer touch the car!

We had a great time watching his car speed down the track. He won every race he was in!!! Watch him leave the competition in the dust
After round 1, he was a very happy man

We enjoyed watching each race, seeing his efforts continue to speed past other racers. And, at the end of the rounds, he had 1st place in his age group!

and 4th place overall!!!

He even received a nice ribbon for all his hard work.

The Pinewood Derby was a great event again this year and we are looking forward to next year’s race.

Here is a link to the full set of pictures, and a few more videos: