Twenty years, two entire decades; a long long time.
Today, I’ve been married to my best friend, my one true love, for twenty years. We met and fell in love when we were just kids. I think about that often and know, I’m one of the lucky ones. She’s been my rock more times than I can count, and honestly more times than she even knows. She’s picked me up, and held me up. She’s pushed me forward, sometimes in hindsight I realize she’s done so when I was kicking and screaming like a child. She’s a huge reason I am am the man today. She’s a huge reason I’m even alive today.
Dawn is the one who knows me better than I even know myself. She is the one who keeps our home running, and is an amazing mother to our son. And yes, he knows how lucky he is to have her as his momma. We’ve experienced every up and down one could imagine and got through it all together. I am so fortunate to be able to spend my life with such an amazing human.
Dawn, I love you more than I can even describe.
And I thank you for bringing me here
For showing me home……..