So we’re live now, yet, I’m just not completely happy with the website. I mean, it gets the job done, but, Joomla just seems a little bloated and clunky for what I want. And it’s a little ugly to me. Seems to work for some sites. Jerid’s site looks pretty good actually, but I just am not having a good time with it for the magazine.
So, that said, I’ve begun my journey to a hacked version of WordPress. Oh trusty WordPress. Why do I love this software so much… hahaha
I’ve found found a few good articles that will be a massive help:
O’Reilly — From Weblog to CMS with WordPress
Leon Kilat — How to use WordPress to run a magazine, news website
and so far, I’m likely going to use Bharath Kumar’s 3ColumnK2 template. K2 goodness, extra column to fit things into, widgets; seriously good stuff here.
So I’ve begun moving things over, making the changes needed so far. This is all in a test subdomain though, I’ll write again once it’s live. Also, I need to figure out a good way to integrate a nice looking photo gallery, event list, movie gallery (?), etc. I’ll keep you posted; wish me luck.