Well, it’s the end of the year and I’m wondering where the heck it went. Time flew by, but I gather that is normal once parenthood becomes your life. And I can honestly say, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Having our Little Man around is the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me. My opinion may have a small bit of bias, 😉 but I think he is brilliant. Each day he does something that astonishes me. Just the other day, xmas actually, he picked up a present and correctly stated who it was from — may have just been a good guess, but none the less was great.
I’ve decided to make a few resolutions this year as well. Yes, I know, how cliche, but what the heck:
- Meditate more often. This is a big one, and I’ve purposely stated it first. Without this, I do not expect any other resolutions to get very far. Say what you will, but a focused and clear mind will accomplish anything.
- Commit myself to more excercise. Not only physically, but mentally as well.
- Pay off the dang credit card. Enough said.
- Integrate the GTD system into both my work and personal life heavily.
- Write more. I have had many ideas to write about; this is the year to get off my arse and do something about them.
Life is really good. Everything at home is really great, and I can still say with complete honesty that I really enjoy my job. My assumption is that a good percentage of people in this world cannot make that statement. I consider myself very fortunate though. I work for a great company, that has a future. I have a really cool boss that I also consider a personal friend. And, the team I work with includes people whom I consider some of my closest friends.
And what would this post be without mentioning my beautiful Dawn. She is my strength. Dawn, I love you.
Happy New Year everyone.