So a lot of stuff has been happening.
We’ve been working on Little Man’s birthday invitations. This year he’s having a Thomas the Tank Engine party; so there’s a hint on what the invites will look like. Overall, I’m very happy with how they turned out.
Monday would have been my Grandma’s birthday. And yes, I still smile everytime I think about her, which has been a lot lately. The other day I was listening to Johnny Cash and in my mind, I got to dance with Grandma. 🙂
Also, had an update on the temple magazine; it’s a definite go! Quite exciting news to me. Venerable is happy with the direction I’ve taken the design, the colors are correct, and she likes how the layout is so far. I plan to improve a few things on the face of it, but need to determine the name we’ll be using still. Though this is a Buddha’s Light project, I believe we can grow it to a certain degree. The focus will be on the Western Dharma section of Hsi Lai, and the name should reflect that. We’ll see what is decided.