I’ve begun working out regularly. Funny, when I started, I intended to “just go two or three days a week at first”. Yep, that lasted about a week. Now I go almost every morning before work. Jerid said it, and was completely right — if you’re going to do it, getting in a daily habit is the easiest way.
I didn’t know if I’d like it much, but I committed to trying it out. I love it. I’ll be honest, some days are definitely better than others, but I always feel better when I exercise. I get there between 6 and 6:30 AM each morning before work; depending on the morning meetings I have. A typical workout will consist of; 15 minutes of cardio on the cycle, 5+ minutes of cardio on a treadmill at it’s top incline, then the fun stuff — weights! I REALLY never thought I’d enjoy weights. Once you start to notice the small changes in your physique, that happen relatively quickly, you get quite interested to continue those changes. Seeing progress is really motivating. I have more energy throughout the day, I eat better, and I sleep much better at night. I’ve even lost 7 or 8 pounds.
It seems a lot of us are getting fit and I think that really helps. Tony is getting more fit (he’s also training for his El Cap trip — yes, he’s insane but more on that later.. haha), Tricia is really into rock climbing now, Jerid and Steve are going to the gym (they were the ones who got me to start), and David is an entirely new person! Having the motivation of friends is helpful too.